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M2.1 Initial semester (extra curricular)



This project was conducted at the software company in Breda. The project focused on creating a seamless user experience between apps of the Mobile Marketing Cloud. A B2B product which enables companies to send newsletters, create landing pages and automate actions within different channels. The project included 3 UX Design iterations focused on realization, implementation and viability. Quickly iterating on designs within sprints and focusing on implementation together with developers.

This project had me experience a corporate work setting. Learning how teams and sprints work and experiencing how UX design is only a tiny part in software business. I thoroughly improved my skills in Figma & Sketch and got acquainted with using a Design Language System to design with. This was also my first time experiencing a focused UX project. Looking at UX designs on a detailed level. I learned turn UX insights into a roadmap for implementation by developers. By doing this I tried to incorporate a bit of strategy and a long-term view. I concluded I do want to work for projects starting from an holistic, societal view. Focusing on positive impact.


Note: This project was conducted under an NDA so no files can be shared of the process

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